Towards sustainability - Collaborate, Support, Assess and Revise
We are enthusiastic about what we do. But we also want to make sure that our enthusiasm matches the community needs. We work on making a sustainable impact in the local community by collaborating with our partners to identify community needs, support what is needed, assess the impact and revise the approach if necessary.
Experts know it best? Local experts know it even better! Local circumstances matter when assessing a situation. That’s why Partnering for Rural Health works with doctors and nurses on the ground to realise projects. Together with our partners in the field we identify what kind of support communities need so we can help bring in additional expertise, when they need it.
Based on these needs, we jointly create a roadmap for support.
When jointly agreed with our partners, Partnering for Rural Health is financing additional doctors and nurses on the ground to further increase the availability and access to healthcare.
Once we have a roadmap, our support kicks in. How does this look like? Partnering for Rural Health is financing additional doctors and nurses to further increase the availability and access to healthcare in the local community. We might also support renting locations for local hospitals and provide furniture and medical equipment. Sometimes medical equipment cannot be sourced locally. That’s why, when needed, we see if we can find a donor to fund medical equipment or ship fully functional equipment that otherwise would have been retired somewhere else.
But we don’t stop at financial support. We want to make sure that our approach does not create a dependency but our projects become sustainable and self-sufficient in the long run. That’s why we work with our partners to create business plans and financial roadmaps.
​We at PRH want to ensure that our actions taken do have a measurable positive impact on the community we are supporting. In order to do so, we do have regular calls with our partners in the field to reflect on the impact that certain measures had. This can mean checking in on operations on the ground, reviewing financial statements and expenditures but also checking in to see if anything is missing.
​We want to be critical about our own work, and learn from our own mistakes and partners to further increase our impact for our partner communities in the future. Based on feedback from our partners on the ground, we adapt our approach and our support.